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  1. Devastate (विनाश करना) : destroy, ravage, ruin
  2. Discard (त्यागना) : reject, abandon, eliminate
  3. Discord (विरोध) : variance, strife, disagreement
  4. Docile (विनम्र) : gentle, submissive, humble
  5. Dynamic (गतिशील) : forceful, impelling, vigorous
  6. Deed (कार्य) : action, work, achievement, act
  7. Delay (देरी) : put off, linger, postpone
  8. Develop (विकास करना) : produce, grow, evolve, cultivate
  9. Discover (खोजना) : find, disclose, reveal
  10. Distress (मुसीबत) : trouble, misfortune, grief, discomfort
  11. Distribute (बाँटना) : divide, scatter, classify
  12. Diversity (विभिन्नता) : difference, variety, dissimilarity
  13. Dreadful (भयानक) : fearful, awful, horrible
  14. Dull (नीरस) : boring, stupid, monotonous
  15. Divine (स्वर्गीय) : godlike, holy, superhuman
  16. Decide (निर्णय करना) : determine, finalize, settle
  17. Dead (मरा हुआ) : lifeless, deceased, extinct
  18. Delightful (आनंददायक) : charming, pleasing, enjoyable
  19. Despise (घृणा करना) : dislike, scorn, disdain, detest
  20. Destroy (नष्ट करना) : ruin, demolish, devastate
  21. Determination (संकल्प) : firm decision, judgement, will, resolution
  22. Dejection (उदासी) : grief, sorrow, depression, despondency
  23. Depict (शब्दों में वर्णन करना) : show, portray, exhibit 
  24. Destination (लक्ष्य) : target, goal, end
  25. Devotee (भक्त) : votary, worshiper, enthusiast 
  26. Diminish (कम करना) : lesson, reduce, decrease
  27. Demolish (नष्ट करना) : destroy, pull down, overthrow
  28. Disgrace (अपमान) : dishonour, disfavour, humiliation, insult
  29. Display (दिखाना) : show, reveal, exhibit
  30. Desolate (निर्जल) : solitary, neglected, dreary, lonely, barren
  31. Deliberate (विचारपूर्वक) : thoughtful, intentional, cautious
  32. Erect (बनाना) : raise, upright, build
  33. Effort (प्रयत्न) : trial, attempt, endeavour
  34. Encourage (प्रोत्साहित करना) : inspire, strengthen, promote
  35. Enemy (दुश्मन) : opponent, foe, adversary
  36. Endeavour (प्रयत्न करना) : effort, exertion, attempt, strive
  37. Enthusiasm (उत्साह) : fervour, spirit, great interest, zeal
  38. Eternal (सनातन) : everlasting, endless, perpetual, unchangeable
  39. Esteem (सम्मान) : honour, respect, regard
  40. Eradicate (नष्ट करना) : destroy, abolish, eliminate, uproot
  41. Ecstasy (अति आनंद) : joy, bliss, rapture, exaltation 
  42. Enormous (विशाल) : excessive, huge, tremendous 
  43. Earnest (गंभीर, उत्सुक) : sincere, eager, determined, serious
  44. Emerge (निकालना) : appear, come forth, issue
  45. Entreat (प्राथना करना) : request, solicit, implore
  46. Fabricate (बनाना) : build, construct, make up
  47. Fierce (भयानक) : aggressive, fearful, violent 
  48. Forbid (मना करना) : ban, hinder, prohibit 
  49. Fade (मुरझाना) : dim, wither, vanish
  50. Faint (मूर्छित होना) : exhausted, fade, swoon, weaken
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Transformation of Sentences in Hindi and English

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